Unveiling Deception: The Truth Behind the Lies
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I grew up in my father’s country store, so I guess I’m taking up the family tradition and selling books, products and merchandise in my own store now. Take a look around and please feel free to buy whatever you like! It helps our cause – and it might help you too!
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Books by our feathered friends
Many of these books were written by people I’ve interviewed or come across on my journey of discovery. These books are purchased via our Amazon Associates membership, so we get a small commission.
Christ in Dachau
A Unique Life Fully Lived
Dr. Mary’s Monkey
How to Form a Nonprofit Corporation
How to Lie with Statistics
Just Stand Up
Lee Harvey Oswald and Me
Moving Beyond the COVID-19 Lies
Overcoming the COVID Darkness
ReVERSED: From Culturally Woke to Biblically Awake
Rules for Radicals Defeated
Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans
The 1916 Project
The Books of Enoch: Complete edition
The Key: Find Freedom from Emotional Bondage Unlock God’s Plan for Abundant
The Last Rhodesians: Society Adrift
The Law of Self Defense
The Mosquito: A Human History of Our Deadliest Predator
The Native American Herbalist’s Bible
The Virus and the Vaccine
Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy America
COVID-19: A Dystopian Delusion
The Safe Bet! Part Deux: The [2020] 2024 Presidential Case for [Joe Biden]
Watch ‘Epidemic of Fraud’ and become part of the movement to uncover the truth. Share the documentary with friends and family to spread awareness about the pervasive issue of fraud.